Brower Power Hour Radio Show Archive
About the Show
Brower Home Power Hour: Formerly the CHERP Energy Wise Forum, Brower Mechanical has now recrafted the program to further promote the process of home energy optimization thru home energy audits, insulation, windows, solar and more. Continuing the relationship with the non-profit Community Home Energy Retrofit Project (CHERP)monthly seminars are designed to provide access to virtually free home energy assessments ($300+ value!)that can then lead to maximizing government and utility rebates and incentives to both reduce expense and increase home values. An incredibly informative show to help anyone considering solar or home energy upgrades make the best investment decision utilizing the small solar process by reducing before producing.

What Homeowners Have To Say About Us
4.7 Stars From More Than 400 Reviews on Google
“Your professionalism and knowledge guided us through the whole process. We are very happy with the top-quality unit. Your technicians are also very professional and thorough with their work.”- Benjamin Y.
“At no point did they ever pressure, over-promise, or make me question competency in any way. I highly recommend Brower Mechanical, they have earned my HVAC business for the long term. Thank you!”- Aaron S.
“Hands down, they were WAY more knowledgeable than the other 3 companies combined, AND came up with a creative solution to upgrade my system for the same price as the next closest competitor.”- Josh S.
“The entire Brower team, as well as their subcontractors, performed extremely high-quality work. Corners were never cut, and change orders were handled without question [besides spec clarification] and integrated exactly to my expectations.”- Michael K.

Our Vision:
To Create the Most Compelling Energy Upgrade Company of the 21st Century by Accelerating California’s Transition to Electrification and Sustainable Living
We prioritize, listen, and serve our customers with the highest degree of quality.
We honor our commitments to our customers, community, and to one another, even when it is uncomfortable or hard. We take ownership and do not settle for excuses.
RespectWe act with honesty, integrity, and respect among ourselves and with our customers, suppliers, and the communities we serve.
InnovationWe encourage new ideas and are never afraid to fail. Forward-thinking is our passion and our dream to be the leader in the 21st century within the Energy Industry.
NetworkWe are a network of fully engaged team members working together towards common goals. Our success is dependent upon the collaborative effort, intelligence, and contributions of all our team members.
GrowthWe develop team member growth through ongoing education and training. We involve team members in company decision-making and direction.