9 Steps to Make Mom proud!

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Monday, May 21, 2018 - 11am

Happy Mothers Day! And yes, your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small were birthed by incredibly wonderful women. While they weren’t as sophisticated about reducing energy consumption they did produce some pretty talented offspring. How on earth do you raise two boys to get into home energy efficiency? Start with nature and let it go from there. That’s why the more you can do to Reduce before you Produce, you’ll be that much better off as nature does some of the work for you. In today’s show, whole house fans take a front seat. They rely on the natural ambient temperature and simply move it from the cooler outside to the warmer inside and voila, no A/C and a cooler home!

Then, there’s the discussion with a caller that took place about her interest in how to heat and cool a ductless room. Now that’s a real conundrum. Or is it? Hear how the boys from Brower knew exactly what to do and how to make it the most efficient solution possible.

The “fix” may surprise you.

And do be aware, your utility pricing is going up. SMUD and PG&E will both have higher pricing this year during the heat of the summer. It’s going to be more important than ever to have your house in it’s best shape to keep the energy bills just the same as they were last year. 

With smaller solar doing more work, it’s all the rage now to be energy wise and efficient and downsizing your home’s energy footprint can begin as simply as with the Clip Board Audit from Brower Mechanical. It’s free and is the first step to identifying what steps to take to make your home the most efficient it can be, with or without solar. Then, and only then, should you begin the discussion about the proper steps to take to become the energy miser. The Clip Board Audit is a must if you’re serious about small solar and energy efficiency. 

And lastly, learn about the myriad of opportunities to have your expense reduced with the current rebates from SMUD and PG&E. You’ll be surprised at how willing they are to help you get your home to the maximum efficiency it can...before you consider solar. Then you can make that decision knowing you’ll be using the least number of panels as a result of the reduced energy consumption. At $1000 per panel average, I’m thinking Mom would be proud of the money you save. Call Brower Mechanical today to get your 9 energy saving tips and for your free Clip Board Audit. You’ll be glad you did. 916-624-0808 or on line at www.gosmallsolar.com

With Purchase of a new HVAC System