Case Study #1

Property Features:

  • Single-family residence
  • Built in 1988
  • 3 bedrooms/2 baths
  • 1,246 square feet

Energy Measures:

  • New 1.5-ton day & night split HVAC system (15 SEER, 12 EER, 95% AFUE) 
  • Duct insulation, R-19 value
  • Attic insulation to R-60
  • Duct system sealing to 10%
  • Return air enlarged
  • 8-panel solar system (250-watt panels / Enphase M-190 micro inverter)


  • Install Amount: $22,487
  • Utility Bill Savings: $163.55
  • Monthly Payment: $113.94 
  • Annual Savings: $595.32
  • Cash Rebates: $3,164
  • Tax Credit 2014: $2,796
  • Customer Contribution: $0