sweating in office
August 4, 2015

I think we can all assume that we have been using our air conditioner a LOT lately. In fact, the other day my significant other got in the car and we had to pause until it cooled off a little so she could hold the seatbelt to buckle up! No joke!

When it comes to days like this I appreciate my field technicians and their director, Troy, just a little more than usual. Sure, I work my 11 hours and somehow when it’s this hot for this long I see many of the same faces when I arrive and when I go home. This means they are working LONG hours. These are men and women who understand the point of view of those calling in. The people calling in are uncomfortable or their kids are and sometimes even an elderly relative. The elderly is where we draw the line. When any member of the Brower team encounters a family with an elderly person in the home they take herculean efforts to solve the issue as rapidly as possible. This is where minutes can matter.

Our staff is trained to do what’s required when things get to the extreme and we have seen extreme lately. We appreciate our staff every day and even more on days like we have had recently. These are the men and women you want working on your behalf. They are trained and ready to help you. Please understand that this appreciation is for the field staff and in-office staff. When you call for help it all starts with the person on the phone and ours are great!

Thank you the customer for being so patient and even offering food and drink to our technicians. It means a lot to them after 12 or 13 hours! We are Brower Mechanical and you can reach us at 916-624-0808.