Can exhaust fans suck much yuck from your interior air?

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Sunday, May 6, 2018 - 11am

Well, if that isn't a leading question full of interpretation! And it's not because of Cinco de Mayo hangover either.... Listen as your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small discuss a customer's question about how much air can a bathroom exhaust fan pull from the living quarters. You might be surprised at the answer. And prior to that discussion, brace yourself for this summer cooling season. PG&E price hikes are in effect and this will be the first summer with the new tiered pricing. The more you use the more you're going to pay. Likely a good idea to look at energy saving options sooner than later.

How about this? BOGO. Buy one, get others. OK, that's a stretch to the familiar term but that's what you get with a Brower Home energy assessment. You get not one but up to 5 others! Your home energy upgrade will get you a healthier environment, more comfortable, more efficient, less dust and less solar panels than if you had done nothing. Start with a Clip Board Audit and experience the value it represents. Then, go from there as you develop your home energy plan for the most efficient process to accomplish the goals you set.

As you know, each and every Brower Home Power Hour is loaded with information that you can use immediately to save you money on your home energy costs and this show is no exception. If you were thinking about getting your ducts cleaned, it's a must listen as you may be wasting your money. One of the best things you can do to get your house right is know what it is you want to do. And one of the best ways to do that is to visit the Brower Mechanical Exploratorium in Rocklin. You'll get to see everything as it relates to your home energy. Whole house fans, energy efficient pool pumps, attic sealing and more! Don't wait to act, so something now. Call Brower Mechanical today at 916-624-0808 or visit

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