Do you have utility predictability?

Ensure utility predictability for your Sacramento home!
Sunday, June 18, 2017 - 9am

Take in today’s discussion on the Brower Home Power Hour as Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small banter the benefits of technology and what it can do for home energy consumption. (It’s huge!) There’s an app for this and an app for that when it comes to monitoring what’s going on in the house as well as options from your utility company as well. You’ll get an up-close glimpse into what’s coming soon and how the apps and monitoring can really benefit you on a daily basis. If solar is a consideration for your home, you’ll want to be sure to pay attention as what you know up front can save you tons on the back side of things when it comes to numbers of solar panels. Less really is more! Real case studies from homeowners in very similar situations help round out the stories of success in managing home energy properly for the most efficient result; a more affordable, comfortable and healthier home living environment. And, you’ll learn what options you have for financing the projects you choose from a variety of sources. In most cases, the cost of the project financed is less than the current energy expenditure! Why would you not take advantage of it immediately??? For more information on what you can do to make your home the best it can be, give Brower Mechanical a call today…916-624-0808 or visit The savings are worth the time!

With Purchase of a new HVAC System