Does your energy bill fit you like a great suit?

Make your Sacramento area home's energy bill fit your home like a great suit!
Sunday, May 21, 2017 - 9am

Health, Comfort and Affordability are the buzzwords for the future when it comes to home energy and they also happen to be the specialty of your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small. This is exactly what the Brower Home Power Hour is all about and solar is the biggest item in the discussion more often than not. Knowing how to do solar right however, is the key and that’s the tenet of todays’ show. Hear from our non-profit resource, Jack Frost of the California Home Energy retrofit Project, about free seminars to help you learn the most about your home energy situation and steps you can take to maximize rebates and increase the efficiency of your home’s energy systems. Your energy bill should be as comfortable as a good fitting suit, not one that makes you feel like you’re wearing something dated, too big or too small or simply not comfortable. Your energy bill should look like a compliment to your good planning each month. Just the compliments you get when you look “mahvelous” as Billy Crystal would say! Don’t be fooled by other companies that parade salesmen in masquerade to assess your home energy systems. Visit a trusted source to make your home energy efficiency look as good as you would trust a great tailor to your looking good. Really. It is that important. Do the homework it takes to have a lifetime of affordable comfort and health. It’s something you’ll never regret as the benefits outweigh the liabilities. Brower Mechanical is the master tailor of home energy efficiency sewing the most efficient and affordable fabrics of technology together for the energy plan that suits you best. Call them today at 916-624-0808. On-line at

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