Does your home offer the ultimate in comfort? It can if...

brower power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 1pm

Don’t let a simple repair/replace project hold you up from investing in a complete energy upgrade. Why? Well, that’s what Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small address in the show today. Does a home that gives you extraordinary comfort create value? Hear how the appraisal of your home with complete energy upgrades can be quantified and how that happens to show value. And this does not include solar! Could you get a bigger refi? Could you make that PMI go away? That alone might even offset the investment into the project of maximizing the efficiency of the house. Wow. How often does that happen? 
There’s so much in the show today to help you build out that energy plan. Do the comparisons year over year to identify the expense and the changes. Does a documented lower utility bill show value to the appraiser of a home’s value? YOU BET!

Once you’ve made the decision to move in the direction of maximizing your home’s efficiency, you have to explore the rebate options. $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 or more! The process is handled by, you guessed it, your friends at Brower Mechanical. And, even the simplest of options, like a whole house fan, create value. You’ll hear a great testimonial on a referral with a solution that’s hard to believe. How often do you hear a manufacturer refer a vendor? How does the process unfold? It’s quite unique. Electrification of your home is where the industry is headed. The first steps start here. Call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808. On-line at

With Purchase of a new HVAC System