Is electricity from solar any different than from your utility company?

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 - 4pm

OK, first things first. The Brower Home Power Hour is now into the fourth year of broadcasting and is the longest currently running home energy show on the station. That’s very exciting. The reason a show would last that long is because it works for the listeners in providing them with quality content. Today’s show is no different. Your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small get right into it to share ways to get your home into a more efficient operating system.

The first example of a real home situation demonstrates how “solar only” solutions tend to be an overload of panels and waste of money invested. Learn how getting the house “right” first, can reduce the investment in solar panels. Typical process is one panel per 100SF of home. When the home is energy efficient, that matrix changes to one panel per 181sf! You can choose to spend the extra dollars on black panels on your roof or you can take those savings and have them applied to a more comfortable living environment, less panels on the roof and all the benefits of a more efficient home. It’s your choice.

Thermostat, Freon, what’s the issue? Oh, so many more things can impact your systems’ operation. Hear from a frustrated homeowner looking for relief and the next necessary steps when Duane explains what’s happening with challenged A/C systems.

When is one type of electricity different than the other? In other words, does SMUD deliver better electricity than PG&E? NO! The only difference in the product is the pricing. Ironically, the more you buy, the more you pay. There is no discount for volume, for example with PG&E electricity. But the more you use, the higher your cost per kilowatt. If that isn’t a good enough reason to get the house more energy efficient then I have no idea what would constitute making a change.

If you’re looking for a most efficient way to save money on your energy expense, call Brower Mechanical today. Now is the time to begin saving on utility bills. 916-624-0808. On-Line at

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