Happy Holidays! Will your roof support a sleigh?

Happy Holidays! Will your roof support a sleigh? ,  Brower Mechanical, Sacramento, CA
Saturday, December 24, 2016 - 12pm

First and foremost, we hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday with friends and family. Today's show dedicates an entire segment to the upper most portion of your home where the beginning of all things energy related really takes place and that's your roof. Enjoy the interview with a roofing professional as hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small dig into all the nooks, crannys and valleys of roofing. Not to mention, if that big ol' guy in the red suit doesn't see a suitably strong roof, well... I would surely want to be certain he had every opportunity to get gifts down my chimney! In addition to the value of roofing to home energy, you'll also hear how the new year brings new options for financing your home energy project and what to expect on the solar front. More efficiency, changing rebates and exciting opportunities to get your home's energy under control and giving you feedback you need to keep those utility bills as low as possible. For more information on the most up to date information on your home energy options, give yourself a holiday gift that keeps on giving back. Call Brower Mechanical today at 916-624-0808 or on line at "www.gosmallsolar.com". It would be one of the best gifts you'll ever receive!

With Purchase of a new HVAC System