Hey Prez, how’s your energy?

green energy savings concept with piggy banks
Sunday, February 17, 2019 - 11am

Well, both your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small, fess up on their Valentines memory. And hop right back into the show to bring you information that is going to save you money. Listen up to learn how you can get a simple set of steps to help you make better decisions on your home’s energy systems. Frequent listeners to the show can probably answer the very first step. Begin to build a plan. Have a plan. Just plan! And you can get started with that plan by starting with a free clipboard audit of your home. Did I say “FREE”! You bet. It gets you started on that plan.

You may frequently have heard of “Cool Tools” that are used for home energy assessments. What are they? What do they do? How do they work? That’s the topic carrying most of segment and it’s pretty exciting to understand. Testing is everything as it relates back to something that can be measured. If you can measure it, then you know what the likelihood of improvement is going to be. And the tools are just the beginning. They’re the start of what allows the team to get to building out the plan and how it’s going to benefit you on your energy expense and home health.

There’s a lot of energy noise in the community as it relates to PG&E right now. Bill calls much of it “Fake Utility News”. The acronym is anything but F.U.N. He’s probably right. But get the straight story here. Listen to how Duane explains it all. And how it can be really important that you understand it.

Hear next how you can save money on a payment you were going to make anyway. If you’re a PG&E customer, things are very different. You can get your house to be more valuable, net even on your home energy expense and get upgrades that are cleaner operating resulting in a healthier home. All for the same money you’re already spending. It’s a pretty simple math equation and If math is not your thing, let the guys from Brower come out and help you see how that math works. You can create stability in your payments. You can budget. You can be more comfortable and rest better knowing there will be no surprises.

Closing this Presidential show takes us into an energizing conversation. Electrifying actually. Literally. No Congressional act necessary. The concerns about rate increases are motivating people to take action to evaluate their utility expense knowing things are likely going to change. Solar systems may only have a 26% tax credit vs 30% today. Utility expenses may go up. Rebates may go away. Nobody knows for sure what’s going to happen. Make the most of it. Act! Like the gentleman who Duane talks about in this segment. He finally made the decision after deciding against it. Find out why when you listen. And then call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or visit them online at www.gosmallsolar.com. Many of your questions can be answered right there.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System