Holistically healthy homes! 3 easy cures.

Brower Home Power Hour, August 20 Podcast, CA
Saturday, August 20, 2016 - 12pm

Your host Bill Small gets into a great discussion with Duane Knickerbocker of Brower Mechanical about the most significant things you can do to save on your home's energy usage (and it doesn't start with solar!).

Have a little fun learning about Chicken Coop Bingo, and then get serious. Is your house healthy? What about holistically looking at your energy usage vs just one element of it? Like your car, it's a matter of everything operating in sync vs getting only one element right when it comes to a healthy functioning home. You wouldn't replace three tires and a battery and call it a tune up!

Then, an outstanding guest from a recent install named Jan, tells her story and the amazing result... well, listen in to hear what happened. You'll also hear about the "Teenie Tiny Solar Club" and the growth of those taking all the steps to reduce before producing! Get your home wholistically healthy by calling Brower Mechanical today! 916-624-0808 online at "Gosmallsolar.com".

With Purchase of a new HVAC System