Home energy done right is truly a Savin’ o’ the green!

home savings in jar of gold
Sunday, March 17, 2019 - 11am

Your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small start it all with comments on cabbage. Not with corned beef but still green. As in your money! And you’re going to love what you hear. Your friends will be green with envy. You’re going green and helping the environment. Yes, you’re saving green too and that’s what the show is really all about, every week!

Starting strong with a case study today is particularly important as the temperature and dust in this home was becoming detrimental to a pre-existing illness the homeowner had. It was critical to get it done right and done right the first time. The homeowner was very clear about that. And did it work? You have to listen for the unbelievable outcome. With rebates and energy savings and forward looking options, it’s a very good story. And that “green”? Oh yeah, less of it going out with the energy upgrades for sure.

Todays call is quite unique in that the caller is looking for a whole house fan to get the kitchen cooking smell and smoke out of the home. Now that’s either a very savvy chef or a terrible cook burning things too often. What you’ll find out though is that maybe it’s not really a whole house fan that this customer needs. There may be options but that’s more a problem with the current ventilation than requiring a whole house fan. And that’s why you want a home energy company coming in to assess your situation. If you want a whole house fan for the right reasons, they’ll steer you in that direction. Not simply to get the fan in the house regardless of the reason. And seriously, a whole house fan isn’t really the right way to go to stop your smoke detector from going off when you cook. It’s all about trust.

Finally, closing out the show, is a discussion taking us into the warmer seasons and the values of whole house fans. Good and bad… they’re not for everybody and if you’re thinking about one, this is a great segment to listen to. This will get you started heading in the right direction. 
As always, with every show, education is everything. If you want to learn more, head this way…
Call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or visit them online at www.gosmallsolar.com. There’s never been a better time.

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