Home energy Show and Tell where you're always the winner.

House with Green Background
Sunday, March 4, 2018 - 10am

There are times when the visual element benefits the investment process even if you're not going to be looking at that purchase on a regular basis. Listen to your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small as they give vivid descriptions and share where you can visit the full "Show and Tell" at the Brower Exploratorium...or showroom if you prefer. Only Brower Mechanical has a place where you can see HOW the energy savings work for your home. Whole house fans, pool pumps, attic insulation and solar panels converge in one space giving you a real look at the major investment you're about to make. This is not a sales pitch, and there's no push. It's fun and you'll learn a ton.

Can't make it out to the showroom? Request a video on the website. Want a second opinion from a third party? How about visiting your Utility provider website? They all recommend the process of "Reduce before you Produce". That's the mantra of energy savings from Brower Mechanical. To get some of the best trained people in the business to help with your decision, simply visit Brower Mechanical at www.gosmallsolar.com. Or call 916-624-0808

With Purchase of a new HVAC System