How to celebrate your independence from high utility bills in 9 easy steps.

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - 1pm

Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small start the show with an overview of what to expect as the summer heat hits. With the hot holiday just ahead, you’ll also likely appreciate nice showers and frosty beers. Well, that happens with multi-fuel (electricity and gas) but when it comes to options, do you really care about how your water gets heated or beer chilled? Probably not. However, when it comes to cooking with electricity, most prefer that gas burner. Now there truly are options to consider. Induction cooking is faster than gas and you can hear all about it in today’s show. There are very compelling reasons to explore the options. 5 that you can get from today’s show. It’s well worth the effort. Especially if you’re in the market for a new stove or cooktop.

We all love third party references and when the local TV station does a story on maximizing efficiencies in the home as the best first step to reducing utility bills, you have to pay attention. Visit the website to see the complete news story courtesy of KOVR-TV. It will change your perspective on the first and easiest step you can take to minimize your utility expense. As you’ve heard on the show so often, it all starts with the energy audit. And then, you’ll want to take full advantage of all the rebates you can get. How best to do that? Learn from the professionals. Give Brower Mechanical a call today. 916-624-0808. On line at

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