How do clean ducks save energy?

Clean ducks don't save energy and neither will cleaning ducts. Take the proper steps how to save energy with Brower Mechanical!
Sunday, June 25, 2017 - 10am

Your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small are humored every time this topic comes up as it is confusing and sounds even more confusing. It’s DUCTS, not DUCKS yet every time, there’s a question about what “ducks” have to do with home energy! Now that we’ve got that clarified, clean ducts may not have anything to do with energy savings. That’s right, you’ll hear all the pros and cons and why paying that money for duct cleaning could be one of the biggest wastes of money you can make in your homes interior air. You’ll also hear examples of what people got out of the duct cleaning experience. Clean ducks are one thing but duct cleaning is a totally different animal. Now that we have that behind us, you’ll also hear about the benefits of the Brower Mechanical free home energy seminars, the clip board audit that gives you the overview of what your home energy savings may be with an energy upgrade to more efficient operation and actual case studies from installations like you may be considering. Finally, while you may want to “duck” the need to do something, doing nothing is only going to cost you. Find out HOW you can actually make the necessary things happen to your home to be a short term and long term benefit across the board. Call Brower Mechanical today at 916-624-0808 or visit them on line at It’s well worth your time.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System