How does the time change affect your energy consumption?

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Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 1pm

OK, so we took a little liberty with that headline. The spring ahead on your clock only means you're one hour closer to the summer's heat and if your home energy system isn't right, well, you're going to be uncomfortable very soon. Your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small engage in an interesting and valuable discussion about new opportunities on the "go small solar" web site in tandem with the Energy Exploratorium, Brower Mechanicals exclusive showroom. You can now request videos of the showroom to see what it's all about before you come in! It couldn't be more simple to learn about the steps to reduce before you produce and save thousands on your home energy upgrades. You'll hear anecdotal case studies, learn about why batteries in your smoke detectors seem to always fail in the middle of the night and what some of the best steps to take now to prepare for the summer heat should be. And to insure your level of confidence in what you'll hear on the show, you'll be directed to your utility company to verify that what you hear today is echoed by both SMUD and PG&E. Yes, even the utility companies want you to reduce before you produce and save thousands on your home energy improvements. Learn your options by calling Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or on line at

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