How does your house like sporting that new “Cool Roof”?

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Sunday, June 24, 2018 - 11am

Well, you may not quite know what I’m talking about here but cool roofs are one of the options to make your home more energy efficient. Listen as your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small start the discussion of home energy efficiency by starting at the very top. And no, all cool roofs are not white! The show takes off from there. Solar, what’s right? How much do you need? Are you asking yourself these questions? Are you worried that you don’t really know what you need to know? Listen up before you do anything. There are many things to consider. Wouldn’t you also agree that your utility likely has a good suggestion on how best to proceed? Check it out at SMUD, PG&E or even Roseville Electric to get the low down on how best to move forward with home energy savings.

And if you’re considering solar, you have to listen to today’s show as there’s so much information on how to do solar right. Even national financial experts suggest home energy efficiency as the first step to take before solar. Lastly, so many options exist on how to take full advantage of the support that comes from different opportunities for your energy. You’re not going to ever pay off your utility company, however, if you do make the moves, you will pay off your utility expense at some point in time. It’s a loan that has a finite expense vs a utility company that as a recurring expense forever. To get more information and learn about how to do things right for your home energy expense reduction, call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808. On-line at

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