Isn’t it always a Super Sunday when your home is comfortable?

super sunday graphic
Sunday, February 3, 2019 - 9am

OK, so the big game is today. Just imagine having to have everyone wear sweaters. That might be awkward. So… is you’re home as comfortable as it can be? Are you concerned about the bill because you’re going to need to run the heat higher so it’s comfortable for guests? If that’s the case, this is the show for you. Listen up and learn as your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small address many of the opportunities you have to get your home where you want it to be on the comfort scale. Don’t get yourself caught in the fourth quarter with the clock ticking and running out of time to save money on your utility bills.

If you’re a show regular, you’ll hear us repeat the content from the websites of the major utilities demonstrating that the best way to upgrade your home is to first eliminate the energy waste. That’s reducing before producing in our minds. It’s also doing it “right”. On another note, moving into a new home always has its’ challenges but you can minimize some of the big ones with Brower stepping in to help. Find out more about what that means in today’s show.

If you have a situation like the caller in today’s show, you need to know what to do. A hot hallway and cold bedroom are not the most preferred means to comfort. This is where you’ll find there are ways to help alleviate this type of situation. If it’s something you’re experiencing in your home, you’ll want to learn some of the steps that can be taken as remedy.

The final segment in today’s show really wraps it all up. The use of cool tools to best identify the “whys”. Why do I have dust bunnies all over the place?” “Why do I have black lines on my carpet?” “Why does my house feel so drafty?” And on and on and on. Of course the next logical line that comes “how can I fix …(insert the problem here)”. That’s the explanation you’ll get from a discussion on cool tools. If you’re considering an HVAC contractor, be sure you’re getting the most sophisticated evaluation for your issues or concerns. It’s worth the time to consider the best company for your project. You’re spending a great deal of money to do what it is you want to do so be sure the result is what you expect and the contractor you choose is capable of doing what it is you want done. Check it all out on-line. Grab a takeaway document when you visit You’ll get some great information you can use.
Or you can call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System