It may smell great... but it’s bad for you!

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 - 10am

Your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small, get after it quickly today with the significance of things that may smell good in the house but could be tragically dangerous to children or pets. Some of those cleaners in your kitchen cabinet under the sink, they’re toxic but smell really good. Maybe good enough to want to eat or drink if you’re a small child who doesn’t know better. But wait, there’s even more that they address and it impacts everyone in the home. Air fresheners. Those things you plug in or pop up or peel off to make the home smell fresh. You know what they’re talking about. They smell great! They’re also potentially toxic to breathe. They’re called Volatile Organic Compounds. VOC’s. What you’re buying is the actual “off gassing” of these VOC’s. Doesn’t sound too healthy does it? It’s not! Don’t overdo it. Let fresh air carry some of the smell in your home without all the artificial and unhealthy smell.

Phew, that’s just the opening. PG&E rebate programs are changing. What is it you need to do to make the most of it? Hint, reduce before you produce. It’s all there on the PG&E website or even the Brower Mechanical site. Watch the 9 steps to getting your house right for energy efficiency it’s easy to access and actually easy to do. Move forward one step at a time in a proper sequencing. Plan. Don’t reverse engineer your system. Do it right the first time. You save in so many ways.

You’ll love the caller on blown in insulation and the response to her concerns about the speed with which the action could be taken. Secondly, the significance of the process to be sure you can trust the representative visiting your home gets a full discussion. There’s a reason for Brower sending you a brief bio on who it is that will be coming to your home.

Finally, and so important is the discussion on time of use energy consumption so you know there’s a way you can save a fair amount of money if you play the game correctly. Summer cooling is one thing but wait until you hear the situation for winter heating. You’ll be very surprised. It’s a huge deal. For more info.. Brower Mechanical. 916-624-0808. On-Line at

With Purchase of a new HVAC System