Smart people, dumb homes...learn how to start the education.

Smart Home Technology Concept
Sunday, November 12, 2017 - 9am

Your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small discuss the technology that is going into "smart homes" today that greatly reduce the energy consumption and improve the comfort of the home. From opportunities to eliminate the need for solar in some cases to leveraging other people's money for your projects (like the utilitiy's), it's a show full of ideas and options to improve the efficiency of you greatest asset. You'll also hear about some of the financial mechanisms you can take advantage of to make your energy reduction process affordable and reasonable. The discussion rambles into the new technology of heat pumps, water heater heat pumps and the dual fuel furnaces that would allow a home the choice of fuel to use given the pricing at a particular time. Gas or electric is going to be the discussion in the near future as both will rise in price. The question is which will rise faster and cost more? Learn from the pros and get that house of yours a degree in efficiency. For more information, call Brower Mechanical today at 916-624-0808 or on line at

With Purchase of a new HVAC System