Spring ahead….uh oh, that means high utility bills are right around the corner.

woman peeking around corner of laptop
Sunday, March 10, 2019 - 11am

Your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small open with a little birthday celebration as the company turns 40. And what a great run it’s been with so much interest in the future ahead, especially in the essence of what home energy is really about. Isn’t it really all about living better? A more comfortable home really is the expectation of living better. That’s what you want when you invest in home energy upgrades after all.

The show continues to a discussion of big money rebates, how it all happens, how simple it is and the value of it all. The example of rebates demonstrates the significance of it all with a real life story of a $25000 upgrade that yields dramatic energy use reductions AND a $10,000 rebate. That’s 40% reduction. You’ll also hear how you can trade your energy bill for a solar payment and own your power in a shorter period of time. This is incredible.

Today, you’ll hear from a caller looking for an emergency hot water situation and Brower comes to the rescue with a same day appointment…and a wealth of knowledge on how to best get the project done in the most efficient way. That’s what 40 years of experience can show you.

Closing the show out is a brief discussion of tax credits on solar, choices on solar and considerations for what may be rolling power outages going forward. They’re coming this summer and you’ll want to know you have options. As always you can reach the Brower team for more information at 916-624-0808 or visit them online at www.gosmallsolar.com.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System