A swift kick in the pants if you want 2016 tax credits on your solar!

Saturday, September 10, 2016 - 9am

Join Bill and Duane this week to learn what has to happen to get your solar tax credits this year. Yes there's still time but plan on 45 days to get your project completed for the credits. That means you'll need to start no later than early to mid November... and then you have the holidays to consider as well. Don't wait! Get started on planning your schedule today if you're going to make the year end tax credits. You'll also learn how a clip board audit can save you thousands in solar panels and how to maximize the outcome of the audit with rebates from SMUD and/or PGE. It's time for a kick in the pants if you've been dragging your feet and considering solar. Stop procrastinating and act now! Call Brower Mechanical today... 916-624-0808 or on line at "www.gosmallsolar.com".

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