Take these six steps into your homes energy efficiency to reduce your utility bills!

brower power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Sunday, April 8, 2018 - 10am

Your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small are going to guide you up the stairs to home energy efficiency to help cure many home ills. With the influence of Building Performance Industry standards, a trained and knowledgeable assessment team will perform a Clip Board Audit to help you take that first step to a more efficient and healthier home.

Are you experiencing temperature variations in multiple rooms? Does your home present an extraordinary amount of dust on the furniture? Are your utility bills out of control in the summertime? There's a cure for these ailments and it starts by reaching out to somebody who has seen it all before. And you don't have to take our word for it. Hear what Rick has to say about his Whole House Fan experience and how a trip to the Brower showroom can really seal a deal for you. Allergies a problem? Then consider ways to get the house right by sealing it tight. You can even get a complete video on request by simply entering it in the subject line when you visit www.gosmallsolar.com. So listen up, take your six steps to a more efficient, comfortable and healthier home and when you're ready to do something about it, give Brower Mechanical a call at 916-624-0808. You'll breathe easier knowing you did.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System