There's a chill in the air but there shouldn't be in your house.

Cold Woman with Blanket
Sunday, October 22, 2017 - 1pm

It's that time of year again when the weather begins to change, the chill is in the evening air, the leaves begin to turn to orange and yellow and brown hues and clearly , the season is about to change. Join Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small as they lead you into the reality of home energy in the autumn. You want to keep that chill on the outside and the comfort of 72 degrees on the inside permanently. Do you know how many windows on average would need to be open in the house to keep the fresh air moving through? You'll be surprised at the answer in todays show. You'll also hear from a caller who has had his HVAC for 24 years and needs some solutions to his concerns. Brower to the rescue of course! Duct leaks? Yup. They all do. So what do you do to remedy that situation? You'll get the answers and so much more about home energy and small solar when you listen to the show this week. Just in time with the falling temperatures is the timing for a complete revitalization of your home's HVAC as well.

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