Webinars, assessments, opinions and purple foam. Gotta listen!

Brower Home Power Hour, August 13 Podcast, CA
Saturday, August 13, 2016 - 11am

Wow, so much info this week! A home energy webinar on 8-24, solar assessments, second opinions before you do solar or any major energy upgrade, and the big kicker...free revitalization to the first ten people requesting a solar assessment. How can you beat that? Host Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker take this show to a whole new level with the opportunities they present to you. The purple foam thing is real too! Listen to find out what that's all about. And no, it was not a Sacramento Kings fan gone wild! You can count on The Brower Home Power Hour to bring you facts, figures and answers to your questions about energy upgrades, solar and how to best maximize the two. For more information, call Brower Mechanical @ 916-624-0808 or visit www.gosmallsolar.com.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System