What’s going on with what’s going on in Home Energy???

confused woman
Sunday, December 2, 2018 - 11am

We finally got our rain, a little chill and It’s beginning to feel a lot like well... Christmas. That’s not lost on your hosts Duane Knickerbocker or Bill Small as they get into the spirit of giving by giving great information on how you can save enough to make Christmas spending a joy to the world going forward! Now, with that chill you’ve been experiencing, here’s to hoping your home energy system is doing all that you expect of it! Warm, cozy and comfortable nights during the season.

As the show must go on, you’ll get an earful of discussion about energy independence. What the heck is it anyway? Hear how that’s a subjective outcome and some of the expectations Duane has had to deal with. If it’s all about simply getting some stability in your home energy expense, then you’re in luck as that’s where the conversation goes with a fabulous case study of how one homeowner was helped to meet his needs of a flat bill all year long with no spikes or large variances. Yes, when planned properly, you can have your heating and A/C bills be about the same equalizing your energy expense over the course of the year. How about that for a comforting outcome!

Duane also explains the detail behind the four gets. Yes, intentionally labeled, there are “four gets” that make up nearly every home energy plan. I’ll not spoil it for you. Just listen in for your “gets”.

Is there value in routine service or maintenance? Well, listen to the conversation from a caller that helps explain why you might want to consider a regular and routine service agreement. Some of the reasons may be quite obvious but others not so much.

Closing out the conversation, find out what it is that the new home builders are up to and what you can do to improve on what’s affectionately called “builder grade” systems and home energy products. This might be a bit surprising given all the noise/news about home energy. 
That’s quite a bit of content for just a li’l ol’ show leading up to the holidays. You had better give Brower Mechanical a call or email before the year is out. There may be incentives, rebates or other opportunities you don’t want to miss to help make your home healthier, more comfortable less expensive to operate. Call the folks at Brower today at 916-624-0808 or visit them on-line at www.gosmallsolar.com.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System