When a promise can't be broken

Guaranteed Return on Investment with a Brower Mechanical Energy Retrofit
Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 11am

OK, it's an odd question in relationship to a home energy program but listen to find out how your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small navigate some of the issues the industry is plagued with. How many times have you "felt" that what you were being told, or worse yet, being sold just didn't feel right? It happens in every industry and HVAC/SOLAR is no different. Trust is the most significant element of the process to confirm your investment. That's why when Duane speaks of a guaranteed return, he expects to see it in writing. When you do an energy retrofit to reduce your bill, what's that really mean? A "promise" of lower utility bills is easy to make. Putting that promise in writing as a guarantee takes a lot more confidence and knowledge to be able to commit to it. And would a commitment from a startup company or a commitment from a 30 year old company mean more to you? Easy call. There's so much more to what you'll learn in today's show but to get the tools to earn the commitment, give Brower Mechanical a call at 916-624-0808 or visit on line at www.gosmallsolar.com. Promise yourself you will!

With Purchase of a new HVAC System