Who’s the thermostat Scrooge in your home?

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Sunday, July 15, 2018 - 2pm

The happiest homeowners right now are those with the least expensive utility bills and most comfortable homes in the neighborhood. The most efficiently running home doesn’t have to be new either. In some cases, older homes that have gone thru the retrofitting process to maximize energy can even run less expensively than newer homes. Join your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small today to see what it is they’re talking about.

The big bills are on the way after the first month of high heat. Does that create friction in your house? By the way, friction creates heat so the less the better in the summer, especially when it’s with a spouse! Find out the steps that can be taken to get your house to function like a Yeti cooler. They take very little to ice to keep things cold for a long, long time. Imagine your home set up the same way. Very little AC to keep your home cool for a long, long time. Sealed tight, insulated right will get you into the ideal space where you can estimate 4.5 cents for every square foot of home you’re working to cool. Do that math and see if that’s the case for you. If not, keep listening. If it sounds too good to be true, check it out on-line with your utility company. They want you to make these changes to your home and they’re willing to help pay for it too. That’s how important it is. Really! You’ll learn how on the show. 
Plus, you can make your “anyway money” work for you with a return, not just spend it. Not sure what “anyway money” is? The answer is in the third segment of today’s program. You’ll hear real life examples of what people just like you can do and what steps they took to take advantage of their “anyway” money.

If you’re too hot, your bills are too expensive and your AC is running too long to get the house comfortable, give Brower Mechanical a call. Now is the time. 916-624-0808. On-Line at www.gosmallsolar.com. You’ll be glad you did.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System