Why is flexing your home’s energy not like flexing a muscle?

brower home power hour, brower mechanical, CA
Sunday, July 29, 2018 - 11am

What’s all this consternation about your energy/utility company calling for voluntary or even mandatory flex alerts? What the heck is a flex alert anyway? It’s surely not pumping your home up for a bodybuilding contest! Find out more when your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small discuss ways to be able to better support your utility’s concerns and help you lower those utility bills when the high heat hits.

Knocking down your utility bills requires looking at the true cost of the project. Consider the rebates, consider the general expense and then be sure to deduct the savings so you can evaluate the true cost of the project. In every case, your net cost out of pocket should go down and if it isn’t, you may want to reconsider your plan. Evaluating the true cost is so much better a way to go then simply throwing solar on the roof. The options are changing so much faster than ever before that you need a professional to help you make the assessment to your best advantage.

So, you’re committed to the changes, to lower utility bills and a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable living environment. But does it help the value of your home now that you’ve made these investments? Absolutely! And now there’s even a mechanism for the appraisal of your home to include the value of your investment. This is really important. Now your energy efficient home is going to have a greater value than your neighbor down the street without energy upgrades. It’s all in today’s show for your benefit.

For details on your “TrueCost”, call Brower Mechanical today. Now is the time to begin saving on utility bills. 916-624-0808. On-Line at www.gosmallsolar.com.

With Purchase of a new HVAC System