Winners and losers on the homefront.

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Saturday, November 12, 2016 - 10am

Finally! The election is over and the political ads will cease to interrupt our lives. While there may be folk out there feeling a loss, everyone can come out a winner when it comes to home energy this year. There's still time to get your free "Clip Board Audit" energy assessment! The rebates and even the solar Federal tax rebate could still be within reach but only if you get everything done by years end. That would mean a decision and action to install this week. Otherwise the process most likely cannot be completed in time for the end of year requirement. You'll hear all about that in this weeks show as Bill and Duane hammer that message home. There's more! Like utility incentives for Electric Vehicles and how you really can gain energy independence. And last, but not least, considerations for a healthier living environment and greater in-home comfort. Phew... Jam packed! For more details call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or on line:

With Purchase of a new HVAC System