Busting The Top Three Myths About Mini Splits

Mini Split Myths
August 30, 2021

When considering new heating and cooling equipment, there can be an intimidating amount of research to be done if you want to make the right decision for your home. Are mini splits efficient? Do mini splits make a lot of noise? And furthermore, whats the difference between a mini split and a ductless heat pump?

Mini splits and ductless heat pump are in essence interchangeable terms for extremely efficient devices that offer both heating and cooling power to for your Sacramento home. If you are looking into mini splits or ductless heat pumps as a solution for your heating and cooling needs, there are a few common myths and assumptions we’d love to bust before you make your decision. Here’s what you need to know about mini splits and ductless heat pumps, and how you can use them to keep your Sacramento-area home more comfortable. 

1. “Mini Splits Only Provide Air Conditioning”

While it is true that a mini split might be used to replace an air conditioner, they are not exclusively used for cooling. A mini split is a type of heat pump, which operates similarly to how an air conditioner operates, only it works for both cooling and heating.

In cooling mode, a mini split (and an AC) removes heat from the air in your living space. In heating mode, a mini split reverses the process by accumulating heat from the outside air, and sending it into your living space. This works very efficiently, even in the middle of winter!

2. “Mini Splits Cannot be Used to Heat an Entire Home”

Mini splits are installed directly into the room that needs heating and cooling, which may lead some Californians to believe they cannot be used as a whole-home solution. Mini splits and heat pumps come in many different configurations, including a multi-head system where one compressor unit can power up to eight indoor air handlers. 

Not only does this efficiently heat and cool throughout the entire home, it also provides more control over your home’s comfort by splitting it into separate comfort “zones.”

3. “Mini Splits are Hard to Install, so they’re Costly!”

Because mini splits are connected through an exterior wall, some homeowners assume that installation is an intricate, costly, and time-consuming process. In fact, the average mini split takes only 1-2 days to install, and the process is minimally invasive. Considering this, the available rebates and incentives for installing efficient mini split systems, and the money you’ll save on your heating and cooling bills from mini split efficiency, mini split installation can be a very smart move. 

Still Have Mini Split Questions? Call Brower!

When you are looking to upgrade the comfort of your home while keeping your energy bills low, mini splits offer flexibility and efficiency. Plus, with so many options and configurations, we can find a customized mini split solution that will give you more control over your overall comfort.

If you are looking to supplement your central system with a ductless system, or are looking for a whole-home electric replacement for your HVAC system, call the team at Brower today and ask about mini splits!

Looking for an efficient replacement for your air conditioning system? Mini splits may be the answer! Ask Brower about mini splits. Call (916) 624-0808 or get in touch here

Looking for efficient heating and cooling?

Add a mini split to your home!

(916) 624-0808

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