Brower Power Hour Radio Show Archive

brower power hour radio show

About the Show

Brower Home Power Hour: Formerly the CHERP Energy Wise Forum, Brower Mechanical has now recrafted the program to further promote the process of home energy optimization thru home energy audits, insulation, windows, solar and more. Continuing the relationship with the non-profit Community Home Energy Retrofit Project (CHERP)monthly seminars are designed to provide access to virtually free home energy assessments ($300+ value!)that can then lead to maximizing government and utility rebates and incentives to both reduce expense and increase home values. An incredibly informative show to help anyone considering solar or home energy upgrades make the best investment decision utilizing the small solar process by reducing before producing.

Presented in Part by: Ygrene Home Improvement Financing

Ygrene Home Improvement Financing
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solar battery storage mounted on wall
As many California homeowners are eyeing the approaching wildfire season, they're considering the potential for extended power outages—including PSPS: public safety power shutoffs—that can affect... Read more
couple adding up their electric bills for the month
It’s no secret that solar energy can help California homeowners reduce their reliance on the electric grid. However, without a way to store electricity when the sun is shining, you’ll still be... Read more

Radio Show Archive

December 10, 2016: Nothing. Really. Nothing. (As in no expense to your home energy upgrades!)

That’s right! Did you know there are many ways you can upgrade your home energy system and over a given period of time, the entire cost of the improvements can be offset by tax incentives and energy cost savings? And in many cases, the entire financing for the project won’t even require a credit report on your part. Your hosts, Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker tackle the explanation of how there are many ways to accomplish the objectives of getting your indoor air quality to meet the expectations you have. Comfort is relative but the process to get you there is similar in most cases. This is a must listen show if you’re intent on getting started on improving your home’s value and the consistency of your indoor air quality. To see in person what many of the options you’ll hear about really look like and how they function, you can now see them in person. The Brower Home Power showroom is now open in Rocklin at 2995 South Whitney. It’s worth the visit as you’ll see how these energy efficient systems actually operate, hear how quiet the new whole house fans are, what a variable speed pool pump runs like and so much more.
For more information call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or on visit on line at

December 6, 2016: Sharpening your senses: see clearly, less noise, better smell.

What a show this week! Your hosts, Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker knock it out of the park with an interview about the impact of windows on home energy efficiency, cleaner air in your living environment and less noise from a variety of sources that you can remedy. Now if that isn't home comfort... The best part of all this? You can actually see it all in action. Live and in person! The Brower Mechanical Home Energy showroom is now open. Get a glimpse into your attic to see what sealing it tight really means. Listen to a whole house fan running and see it operate. See the advantages of new windows right there. Solar panels? You bet. A variety of types to look at, touch and feel. The best part of it all is there's somebody there to walk you through the showroom, answer questions and give suggestions. No pressure, no selling. Just your own home energy docent. Check it out at 2995 South Whitney, Rocklin CA 95677. Find out more by calling 916-624-0808 or on line at

November 26, 2016: Is your home stuffing itself by gobbling energy?

Is your home gobbling up your money by stuffing itself full of wasted energy? If so, this is the show to listen to as your host Bill Small talks with Duane Knickerbocker of Brower Mechanical about things to insure your home is no energy turkey. Like unlocking the potential of your homes' air filtration system. Reducing your energy bills with an energy audit. Getting your attic sealed properly to insure better energy management.
Revitalzing your homes' energy system with a 19 point operational inspection and cleaning of key components of your HVAC. And there's so much more like how to maximize when considering solar, the benefits of energy saving pool pumps and smaller A/C units. And as thankful as you may be to learn how to save more money, we want to be sure to say THANK YOU for listening, for your support and for your business throughout the years. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends! For more information on scheduling your home energy revitalization, call Brower Mechanical today at 916-624-0808. On line at

November 19, 2016: There's a Doctor in the House! How a healthy home prevents the flu

AHHHH CHOO It's true! Your hosts Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker have a discussion with Dr. Tom Hopkins about the merits of a healthy home environment during flu season. This is a show to not be missed as there really are steps you can take to help minimize the potential of flu spreading germs in your home. It all starts with a solid revitalization of your homes' air systems including your furnace, fan and filters. You'll learn why a cleaner home is more likely to stave off the flu as well as steps you can take now to get your home to a more healthy status. To be sure everything is operating at its' optimum performance to keep you and your family healthy, contact Brower Mechanical and get your system revitalized before the flu season hits! Call 916-624-0808 or go on line at Take a deep breath knowing your living environment is in better shape to help you and your family stay in better shape!

November 12, 2016: Winners and losers on the homefront.

Finally! The election is over and the political ads will cease to interrupt our lives. While there may be folk out there feeling a loss, everyone can come out a winner when it comes to home energy this year. There's still time to get your free "Clip Board Audit" energy assessment! The rebates and even the solar Federal tax rebate could still be within reach but only if you get everything done by years end. That would mean a decision and action to install this week. Otherwise the process most likely cannot be completed in time for the end of year requirement. You'll hear all about that in this weeks show as Bill and Duane hammer that message home. There's more! Like utility incentives for Electric Vehicles and how you really can gain energy independence. And last, but not least, considerations for a healthier living environment and greater in-home comfort. Phew... Jam packed! For more details call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or on line:

November 5, 2016: We VOTE for smaller solar!

First and foremost, VOTE! And as our title indicates, our vote is for more energy efficiency and smaller solar. Your hosts Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker really touch on some fun topics today as they discuss tiny house concepts they've seen and marveled at the ingenuity and energy efficiency, of course. There's a lot to be learned from these little homes that can be expanded to larger living environments and you can be sure Brower Mechanical is at the forefront of making it happen. And don't forget the annual solar clock is ticking on federal rebates as the year draws to a close. If you're considering solar, act now as the system must be installed by the end of the year to qualify for the rebate. With about 45 days from order to completion, this will be the last week to get in under the wire to insure you've met the deadline. For complete details about the process, and to be certain you're maximizing the efficiency of your project, there's only one place to call...Brower Mechanical! 916-624-0808 or on line at

October 29, 2016: Don't be spooked by a ghoulish Yetti!

Don't know what a Yetti is? It's real. You'll have to listen in to hear and learn. And no, it's not some cheap Halloween gimic to get you to tune in. You do want to listen, however, to prevent the arrival of frightening utility bills that could scare you out of your home and haunt your pocketbook for months! Your host Bill Small and energy expert Duane Knickerbocker really cover a lot of ground in this show beginning with the awards bestowed on Brower Mechanical for their service...which happens often to the dismay of the competition! They do get spooked by Brower's success. Solar value propositions and ROI (return on investment) are an in depth discussion as are the abilities to leverage your money to create the best living environment for you and your family. Don't be scared by the things you don't know. Let Brower Mechanical shed a little light on the creatures lurking in the shadows of your castle by calling them today at 916-624-0808 or on line at "". Have a safe and happy Halloween!

October 22, 2016: Is that carbon monoxide I don't smell?

Carbon Monoxide. The silent killer. And it lurks in every home. Before going any further be sure your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working in your home. Replacing the batteries at the time change for fall and spring is a really good habit to get into. For your sake and the sake of your family, do it. Now, more about that nasty gas your house belches out in so many more ways than you ever knew. If you cook with gas, there are small amounts of carbon monoxide coming off the stove. Woodburning fireplace? Carbon monoxide for sure. Old school home with dated furnace exhaust? There it is again. These are all very low levels but you'll not be around to find out if it gets to a high level. Hence, the detector. This is just one of the reasons you'll want Brower Mechanical to come out to your home and do a complete home energy audit. You may be considering solar to minimize other energy bills, this is a way to find out several things about what's going on in your living environment. Hosts Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker get into the healthy home, fresh air ventilation systems, and simple energy fixes to take one step at at a time. Call Brower Mechanical now @ 916-624-0808, on line at And be sure that Carbon Monoxide detector is quietly at work in your home too!

October 15, 2016: Is something burning in the furnace? It stinks!

Well, if your furnace is on, yes, something is burning because that's how a furnace works but that smell you smell when the furnace comes on for the first time of the fall season is something burning other than the gas that heats the burners to warm the house. It's dust! Yep. The furnace just sits there all summer long collecting dust and that's what that "burning" smell is when you first fire it up for the season. How and why and the effect in your living environment are just a small portion of what's in store for today's show. How 'bout and 86 year old beekeeper making his home more efficient with a whole house fan or how to be sure you're home is carbon monoxide free. You'll hear about that too! A cornucopia of home energy information awaits you as we enter into the autumn season and your hosts talk about what to expect in your living environment. For more information on how you can save on your utility bills be sure to call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808 or visit

October 8, 2016: What's your home energy game plan! 12.5 steps to success.

Bill and Duane open the show with the single most important thing you can do before you do anything to your home's energy system. Get a free Clipboard audit. The audit leads you to what you need to have in your home's energy "plan". What plan you ask??? Well, think of this, you plan for your future, you plan your career, you plan your vacation, your family and retirement, some of you even plan your final services in advance, but how many of you actually have a strategic home energy plan? Not enough. However, if you do, here's what you can expect:
-smart energy usage, lower utility bills, a home with cleaner air, a more comfortable interior living environment, and most importantly of all, smaller solar if at all. It's so much more than simply saving money on your electricity and while that's great and a wonderful reason, getting it all right can only be done with a "plan". For more information on how your individual and personal home energy plan can be developed, call Brower Mechanical today at 916-624-0808. On line at
