Brower Power Hour Radio Show Archive

brower power hour radio show

About the Show

Brower Home Power Hour: Formerly the CHERP Energy Wise Forum, Brower Mechanical has now recrafted the program to further promote the process of home energy optimization thru home energy audits, insulation, windows, solar and more. Continuing the relationship with the non-profit Community Home Energy Retrofit Project (CHERP)monthly seminars are designed to provide access to virtually free home energy assessments ($300+ value!)that can then lead to maximizing government and utility rebates and incentives to both reduce expense and increase home values. An incredibly informative show to help anyone considering solar or home energy upgrades make the best investment decision utilizing the small solar process by reducing before producing.

Presented in Part by: Ygrene Home Improvement Financing

Ygrene Home Improvement Financing
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solar battery storage mounted on wall
As many California homeowners are eyeing the approaching wildfire season, they're considering the potential for extended power outages—including PSPS: public safety power shutoffs—that can affect... Read more
couple adding up their electric bills for the month
It’s no secret that solar energy can help California homeowners reduce their reliance on the electric grid. However, without a way to store electricity when the sun is shining, you’ll still be... Read more

Radio Show Archive

October 1, 2016: If your house smells too good, that could be a problem!

We're not talking toll house cookies here. That's a very different "good". Yummy good. You know those great smelling little things you "pop-up" around the house or the "plug-ins" that fill the house with floral aroma of Irish fields in the summertime? Yes. Those really fragrant smelly things that started way back in the day with sprays and little green trees. They can emit toxic VOC's. Volatile Organic Compounds. The very stuff you smell your house up with could actually be polluting your interior air! Not good. That's just the tip of the iceberg for a really great show. Did you know there was a "Green MLS" for real estate agents? More on that in the show too. Also, there's still time to have Brower do an audit on your home energy system to see if solar may benefit you AND qualify for the federal rebate this year! Brower Mechanical is a consultant based company doing what's best for your home's energy system and your peace of mind. Contact Duane at 916-624-0808 or on line at

September 24, 2016: Could your home pass a certified "healthy" inspection? 7 things to know.

Possibly one of the best shows of the year if you care about the health of your home. This is a must listen as everyone is concerned about what goes into their bodies. Organic foods, healthy non-pesticide fruits and vegetables, non-antibiotic meats and poultry but have you thought about the very air you breathe? Really! The condition of your home's energy system dictates the literal health of your house. The place you spend a great deal of time eating those healthy foods, drinking those healthy fluids (water purifiers anyone?) but breathing bad air. All the great food in the world doesn't matter if you're inhaling pollutants all night long. Learn the 7 key things to address to give your home a healthy house certification. You'll be surprised what some of them are. It's all here this week on the Brower Home Power Hour. For more information call 916-624-0808 or on line:

September 17, 2016: Are you ready to go from Curious to Serious about solar?

Your host Bill Small gets into the topic of the lookie-lou's and tire kickers vs the serious shoppers for the best value in solar. Hear about Duane's recent trip to the Home Energy show in Vegas and some of the neat new features coming in home solar, how solar can actually be used for both shade and energy creation and most importantly, what's necessary to get your solar in time for the 2016 tax credits. Doing nothing will get you exactly that for the credit. Nothing. Act now to identify what you really need by having Brower Mechanical perform a Home Energy Assessment to identify the "right" way to do solar and minimize the number of panels you actually need. It's the only way you'll be able to get to small solar and save! Call Brower today at 916-624-0808. On line at "".

September 10, 2016: A swift kick in the pants if you want 2016 tax credits on your solar!

Join Bill and Duane this week to learn what has to happen to get your solar tax credits this year. Yes there's still time but plan on 45 days to get your project completed for the credits. That means you'll need to start no later than early to mid November... and then you have the holidays to consider as well. Don't wait! Get started on planning your schedule today if you're going to make the year end tax credits. You'll also learn how a clip board audit can save you thousands in solar panels and how to maximize the outcome of the audit with rebates from SMUD and/or PGE. It's time for a kick in the pants if you've been dragging your feet and considering solar. Stop procrastinating and act now! Call Brower Mechanical today... 916-624-0808 or on line at "".

September 3, 2016: Got Ten, get ten. A guaranteed return on your investment!

This weeks show is full of savings topics starting with an end of summer HVAC revitalization for only $49! Don't wait on that one. But how about this, would you invest $10,000 to get a guaranteed 10% return on that investment? Most likely you would. And that's what Brower Mechanical can show you with the proper use of that $10,000 if you live in PG&E service areas for your electric. You'll also hear about backing up your Solar production with batteries to literally take you off the grid for energy consumption. And you don't need a Tesla to do it! Finally, a great little story from another happy Brower customer named "Al" that couldn't be happier with the work and the outcome. The entire process was so special, he can't wait for the team to come out to service the new units! How often does that happen? At Brower Mechanical, it's the expectation. Call today for your $49 HVAC revitalization. 916-646-0808 or on line at "".

August 27, 2016: 5 gallons of water and Energy?

Hope that title got your attention for this weeks show! I'll give you a hint of what Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker are going to be covering in the first segment. Five gallons of water are pretty heavy. Wouldn't you agree? Imagine 10,000 gallons of in your pool. And now a pump has to move all that water every night through a filter. Yeah. That's a heavy load. That means energy to run the pump and if that pump is not very efficient, well, that's why you need to listen to the show. And that's just for starters as the show goes on to talk about the consequences of doing nothing about your homes energy, roofing and a great interview with a very satisfied customer. For more details about home energy conservation and solar options, call Brower Mechanical today. 916-624-0808 or on line at ""

August 20, 2016: Holistically healthy homes! 3 easy cures.

Your host Bill Small gets into a great discussion with Duane Knickerbocker of Brower Mechanical about the most significant things you can do to save on your home's energy usage (and it doesn't start with solar!).

Have a little fun learning about Chicken Coop Bingo, and then get serious. Is your house healthy? What about holistically looking at your energy usage vs just one element of it? Like your car, it's a matter of everything operating in sync vs getting only one element right when it comes to a healthy functioning home. You wouldn't replace three tires and a battery and call it a tune up!

Then, an outstanding guest from a recent install named Jan, tells her story and the amazing result... well, listen in to hear what happened. You'll also hear about the "Teenie Tiny Solar Club" and the growth of those taking all the steps to reduce before producing! Get your home wholistically healthy by calling Brower Mechanical today! 916-624-0808 online at "".

August 13, 2016: Webinars, assessments, opinions and purple foam. Gotta listen!

Wow, so much info this week! A home energy webinar on 8-24, solar assessments, second opinions before you do solar or any major energy upgrade, and the big revitalization to the first ten people requesting a solar assessment. How can you beat that? Host Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker take this show to a whole new level with the opportunities they present to you. The purple foam thing is real too! Listen to find out what that's all about. And no, it was not a Sacramento Kings fan gone wild! You can count on The Brower Home Power Hour to bring you facts, figures and answers to your questions about energy upgrades, solar and how to best maximize the two. For more information, call Brower Mechanical @ 916-624-0808 or visit

August 6, 2016: Happy Birthday to Brower Home Power Hour!

One year ago today, Duane Knickerbocker began what has become the successful home energy show, The Brower Home Power Hour. Happy Birthday to saving energy, saving on solar panels and learning how to reduce BEFORE you produce. As a thank you for listening and supporting the program, Brower Mechanical is offering a free revitalization of your home's energy system with your solar assessment. Who on earth gives gifts OUT on their birthday? Well, somebody who cares enough to make a difference to others. That's what Brower Mechanical is all about. This is a show to be heard as it's full of information on how to minimize your solar commitment, a great story about charging your car, running your pool and cooling your home with solar, and finally, saving money.
Don't let the crazy hot weather wear on you or your family, call your lifeftstyle contractor, Brower Mechanical today @ 916-624-0808 or visit

July 30, 2016: Are You A Whole House Fan... Fan?

There's a lot of air moving in the show today. Fresh air, cool air, hot air, all through the house. Host Bill Small discusses with Duane Knickerbocker the pros and cons of whole house fans. Find out what's changed in the technology so you're not hearing the vibrations and wind noise of a hurricane passing through your house! You'll also learn about the value and difference of a revitalization of your home energy system versus a simple tune-up. BIG DIFFERENCE! Finally, hear about the Brower Mechanical home energy showroom. It's been remodeled and is open to show you what you can expect from solar design, energy efficient water heaters, whole house fans, pool pumps and more. It's worth the visit. Find all this and more on line at Or call Brower Mechanical at 916-624-0808.
