
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

Brower Home Power Hour Put Your Energy Obese Home On A Strategic Diet!

Is your house a big, fat energy hog? Many are! It's time for a little slimming down by implementing a strategic energy diet. Bill and Duane... Read more

Brower Home Power Hour Call Heating & Cooling Specialist

It's easy as 1,2,3. Or so you thought. The top three reasons people reach out for help may surprise you. That's why it's worth a listen as Bill... Read more

Brower Home Power Hour It's A Matter Of Degrees...

Ahhhh. Springtime is in full force, plants blooming, sun shining longer day by day and the temperature is rising. And rising. And you're getting... Read more

Gas Furnace Brower Home Power Hour

Listen as your hosts, Bill and Duane, take you through a myriad of energy savings tips to help make your home more energy efficient.

Brower, Hot Showers and Cold Beer? Get Comfortable

OK, it's not the most energy conscious title but it really is about being comfortable in your own home. Can you relax and simply enjoy the ambient... Read more

Brower Home Power Hour Set and Forget Your Thermostat

Listen as Bill and Duane demonstrate how you can get your home to a place where you really never touch that thermostat. How nice would that be?... Read more

Brower Home Power Hour Carbon Monoxide

This show is full of reasons to be sure to get a regular home energy revitalization. Consider carbon monoxide leaking into your home. Would you... Read more

brower mechanical lower electric bills

A guaranteed monthly amount, month in and month out that's lower than you ever thought possible is what you'll learn as Bill and Duane discuss the... Read more

Spring is in the air

Temperature swings outside can wreak havoc on an improperly maintained energy system in your home. Have you had your system revitalized for the... Read more

spring allergies

It's allergy season and that's no teasin'. Listen in and learn why "home comfort" really is more than just a cool house in warm weather. Indoor... Read more


With Purchase of a new HVAC System