
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

green leaves

Solar energy is incredible. Drawing energy from the sun has nothing in the way of toxic releases and provides wonderful benefits for every group... Read more


Few of their respective customers are aware that PG&E has 68 hydroelectric powerhouses and SMUD has 8, supplying a large portion of the... Read more

customer loyalty illustration

It’s the time of year when smart home owners schedule their spring checkup to confirm that their air conditioning doesn’t quit when things heat up... Read more

blue solar panels on roof

It is sometimes hard for us to believe but there are still those who are willing to argue the reality and fit of Solar Power to Placer County.... Read more

technicians working on solar install on roof

Here is an interesting fact that at first glimpse seems almost impossible. The solar industry employs more people than Facebook, Apple and Google... Read more


With Purchase of a new HVAC System