
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

Vote Small Solar, Brower Home Power Hour, CA
First and foremost, VOTE! And as our title indicates, our vote is for more energy efficiency and smaller solar. Your hosts Bill Small and Duane... Read more
Don't be spooked by a ghoulish Yetti, Brower Home Power Hour
Don't know what a Yetti is? It's real. You'll have to listen in to hear and learn. And no, it's not some cheap Halloween gimic to get you to tune in... Read more
Carbon Monoxide, Brower Home Power Hour, CA
Carbon Monoxide. The silent killer. And it lurks in every home. Before going any further be sure your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working... Read more
Furnace Smells, Radioshow, Brower Mechanical, CA
Well, if your furnace is on, yes, something is burning because that's how a furnace works but that smell you smell when the furnace comes on for the... Read more
Home Energy Gameplan, Brower Mechanical, CA
Bill and Duane open the show with the single most important thing you can do before you do anything to your home's energy system. Get a free... Read more
10-1-16 Radio Show, Brower Home Power Hour, CA
We're not talking toll house cookies here. That's a very different "good". Yummy good. You know those great smelling little things you "pop-up"... Read more
Benefits of Going Solar, Brower Mechanical, CA
Homeowners across the Sacramento region are turning to solar energy to power their homes. With a straightforward installation process, little to no... Read more
September 24, 2016 Brower Home Power Hour Radio Show, Sacramento, CA

Possibly one of the best shows of the year if you care about the health of your home. This is a must listen as everyone is concerned about what... Read more

September 17, 2016 Radio Show, Brower Mechanical, CA
Your host Bill Small gets into the topic of the lookie-lou's and tire kickers vs the serious shoppers for the best value in solar. Hear about Duane's... Read more
September 10, 2016 Radio Show, Brower Mechanical, CA
Join Bill and Duane this week to learn what has to happen to get your solar tax credits this year. Yes there's still time but plan on 45 days to get... Read more


With Purchase of a new HVAC System