
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

easter in your home

The topic remains the same but the holidays influence changes in home energy usage. Family gatherings can heat things up in more ways than one!... Read more

dirty attic insulation

Todays show focuses on the need for a complete evaluation of the attic insulation and how the... Read more

indoor air quality brower mechanical

Surely you've been to a family members house, a neighbor's house or a party and whoa!, something stinks. (Is that fish I smell? Burnt meat? Cat... Read more

solar panel

The team at Brower Mechanical is dedicated to helping homeowners find high-efficiency solutions for their home’s energy systems. With a recently... Read more

Roofing replacements

Find out why your old shake roof may have kept your house cooler and what a new composition or tile roof has to do with overworking your A/C. Bet... Read more

seal tight ventilate right

Another fact filled and applicable discussion with the home energy expert Duane Knickerbocker of Brower Mechanical. Listen as host Bill Small... Read more

stock market solar brower mechanical

Does the stock market really influence your home energy decisions? Is it relative? Could you realize greater gains on investments you make in your... Read more

batteries backing up your house brower mechanical

Batteries? Like how many to power your home with triple A's, or your car? Yup, those kinds of batteries. But now for the real purpose of the show... Read more

free clipboard audit brower mechanical

Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker get into a great discussion of how you can turn your home into a positive cash flow, maximize the energy... Read more

reduce before you produce windows

whatsDo you have a home energy plan? Know what you're trying to accomplish? Save money? Reduce consumption. Let Bill and Duane help you understand... Read more


With Purchase of a new HVAC System