
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

Shake, Rattle & Wheeze. Pros and cons of whole house fans. , Brower Mechanical, Sacramento, CA

Flip the switch, brace yourself as the louvers flap around and begin to shake like a baby's rattle. The fan begins turning slowly at first, then... Read more

There is such a thing as energy independence, Brower Mechanical, Sacramento, CA

Join your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small as they discuss the "how to's" of becoming energy independent. Keep in mind that it all starts... Read more

What's Your Energy IQ? Brower Mechanical, Sacramento, CA

Join your hosts Bill Small and the blue-eyed energy guy, Duane Knickerbocker, as they work to teach and educate you on a variety of important and... Read more

Reduce Before You Produce. Plan Before Getting Solar, Brower Mechanical, CA

Home energy is home science and the more you know about the "how" of keeping your home comfortable, the better decisions you can make on home... Read more

Are home energy increases almost like a hidden tax?, Brower Mechanical, CA
Think about that title for a minute. Energy increases are like hidden taxes... you can't deduct them, you can't control them, yet you have to be able... Read more
It's Abe's Birthday. Honest!, Brower Mechanical, CA
Seriously, it is Abe Lincolns birthday today. And one of his character traits was honesty, hence the nickname, Honest Abe. How honest do you think... Read more
How's your home's appetite? How about an energy pie?, Brower Mechanical, Sacramento, CA
Yes, it is Superbowl Sunday and one of the benefits of blogging for the show after it airs is that the outcome of the game is also confirmed so... Read more
Energy Savings: Hear it from a Home Energy HERO, Brower Home Power Hour, CA
OK, you've been listening to the show regularly and you hear about all the great home energy upgrades you can make, Reduce before you Produce to save... Read more
Don't be fooled by a SIM, Brower Mechanical, CA
Bill Small and Duane Knickerbocker take you on an incredible energy exploration in this show starting out with the success of the first Energy... Read more
Time for a Complimentary Clipboard Audit, Brower Mechanical, Sacramento, CA
Clip Board Audit. It's exactly what you think when you apply it to your homes' energy usage. How do you know what you're working to improve, reduce,... Read more


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