
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

hot water coming from shower

Having reliable hot water is essential to home comfort. With the advanced technology behind heat pump ... Read more

hot water in sink

Many homeowners know about heat pumps because of their superior energy efficiency and ability to heat and cool your home—but heat pumps can... Read more

cushions and a knitted plaid on the cold windowsill

It is officially Fall here in the Sacramento area, and soon will be the days of cooler temperatures and scenic landscapes. In addition to... Read more

living room of house with a whole house fan system

California is known for its sunny summers and mild winters, and while many homes throughout Sacramento are equipped with air conditioners, they... Read more

modern outdoor module of heat pump heating surrounded by roses

Many Californians looking to step away from fossil fuels and electrify their homes have been turning to heat pumps for heating and cooling. As one... Read more

Heat pump outside home with plants surrounding it

Learn about energy-saving upgrades that are worth it for your home and call us for all of your energy efficiency needs, from heat pumps to... Read more

hvac system getting a tune up

It's that time of year again! With spring cleaning and summer preparations in full swing, have you thought about your air conditioner? Whether you... Read more

homes with solar in northern california

California’s long-standing net metering laws are changing with the implementation of net energy metering (NEM) 3.0. The new incentive program... Read more

sacramento skyline

There’s been a lot of hubbub about what’s in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for homeowners. But what about businesses? Are there any... Read more


With Purchase of a new HVAC System