
Enjoy the continual stream of information provided here by the Brower Mechanical blogging team!

extension strip with multiple outlets being used

How do you safely hook up a generator? How do you get building science "right?" And how do you fix your utility bills to avoid unpredictable... Read more

man in a winter coat angrily sitting on a couch

Not sure which generator is right for you? With so many choices out there, we help you find the right kind for your needs. Prepare yourself for... Read more

Man looking angrily at utility bill

Looking for ways to lower your utility bills and increase your home's comfort? Energy upgrades can be the perfect solution when done right. Brower... Read more

woman confused by fridge at home

Thinking of solar to power your devices and appliances instead of utility power? Make sure your home is ready first! Start with a clipboard audit... Read more

small child

PSPS are on everyone's minds lately, and for good reason. Tune in to Brower Power Hour to hear about what you can do to combat power outage woes.... Read more

woman at home reacting to a bad smell

Noticing a smell when you turn on your furnace for the first time of the season? Don't worry! Tune in this week to Brower's Power Hour to learn... Read more

creepy dark attic of a home

Tune in this week for more home performance treats than tricks. Want to know how to keep the energy goblins out of your house? Or to avoid being... Read more

girl in the dark with laptop during power outage

PSPS isn't done, so let's talk about how to get out ahead of it! Generators are a great solution, but make sure your home is energy efficient... Read more

woman at home surrounded by lit candles because the power is out

Following the first PSPS by PG&E last week, tune into this week's Power Hour to learn about your options when it comes to home backup power.... Read more

woman in chair next to green energy symbol

On this week's Power Hour, we are going deeper into the discussion about home energy. What kind of generator is best for your home? How do mini-... Read more


With Purchase of a new HVAC System